Sunday, September 13, 2009

26th NC color bearers at Gettysburg on July 1

I have found the story of the color bearers of the 26th NC on July 1, 1863 very interesting. In a short period of time, they went through 14 men. Some were killed, some wounded, but all were heroes.

A color bearer is probably the toughest job in a regiment and its not for someone who is a wimp. The color bearer carried the regimental flag. This flag, although something for the men in the regiment to follow, was also a huge bulls eye for the enemy. The person carrying the flag was one of the first people that the enemy would shoot or at least shoot at, and this person usually was forgotten by history.

However, in the story of the 26th NC, the color bearers are a huge part of the story and the names of these men have not been lost to history.

Here are a list of the men and their companies (if I know it):

Color Sergeant Jeff Mansfield
Sergeant Hiram Johnson (G)
Private John Stamper (A)
Private G. W. Kelly (D)
Private Larkin Thomas (F)
Private John Vinson (G)
Private John Marley (G)
Captain Westwood McCreery
Lieutenant George Wilcox (H)
Colonel Henry King Burgwyn
Private Franklin Honeycutt (B)
Lieutenant Milton Blair (I)
Lieutenant Colonel John Lane
Captain Stephen Brewer (E)

I got most of this information from David Martins: Gettysburg July 1. Another book that I would recommend to those who are truly into the details of the battle. One thing to keep in mind about this book: he tells all the little details. When I've read it, I have often wondered if on the next page he was going to tell us the exact time that Pvt. John Smith of Co. A sneezed while crossing the field. Its that detailed. But when you want to know the details, this is the book to read.

Incidentally, the 26th kept its flag on July 1, 1863 but lost it on July 3, 1863 during Longstreet's Assault (Pickett's Charge).

These men were the real heroes in the Civil War

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