Friday, October 9, 2009

Thoughts on the ghosts

First...I need to make sure that everyone knows that what I am about to write, is neither for nor against the Ghost Tours. They are what they are. There isn't much nightlife in Gettysburg and this gives the tourists something to do. So, please, before shooting off "hate emails" to me, please read what I have to say. And then if you have issues with what I have to say, then you may email a respectful manner only, please.

I live in Gettysburg. I LOVE Gettysburg. I love everything about this place....the battlefield, the town, the atmosphere, and sometimes, the tourists. We have many, many small businesses that seem to be flourishing, despite the economy. One of those businesses is the Ghost Tours. We have no less than 13 different companies offering these tours....some on the streets, some in the alleys, some in local buildings, but all offering the experience to see and hear about the ghosts in Gettysburg.

I won't get into whether or not ghosts exist. That is something that only YOU can decide. The stories that you hear can be quite entertaining....some MAY be true. Most, unfortunately, are not. For instance, I live next door to a business that regularly has ghost tours stopping at their establishment. The building was here at the time of the battle. My house was NOT. My house was built around 1900...until then, the lot was empty. One night I was listening to one of the tour leaders pointing up to my house and telling the tourists that during the battle, Confederate sharpshooters were in my house shooting at the Union troops across the street. Huh? In what? A ghost house? I'm a little entertained now. Then the leader proceeded to tell the people that at certain times in the evening if you look, you can see someone walking around in one of the windows. Well, YEAH! I LIVE there. So, please in case you go on these tours wanting to believe everything, not all the stories are completely true.

The one issue that I have with this whole ghost tour phenomena is that the men who fought here and died here have become a business. Folks are making money on the tragedy of what occurred in this town. Now, with this I would also have to say that the souvenir shops are in the same category....but in a different way....they aren't feeding off the souls of the departed.

Gettysburg is and has been a tourist town since the battle in 1863. That's 146 years of people coming from all over the country...and the world, to see and experience what the soldiers saw and experienced. Yes, these folks need food, drink, places to stay, reminders of their stay, photo opportunities and entertainment. I would NEVER take any of that away from them. We need this in order to keep Gettysburg a viable town. My issues are with the exploiting of these men. So, if and when you come to Gettysburg, PLEASE....go to our restaurants, stay in our hotels, visit our museums, go on a ghost tour....but PLEASE remember to take a moment to think of the men....the REAL men who fought and died here. Take time to remember the horrors they experienced....the pain they felt. Walk through the Cemetery and thank them. Not every man who fought here haunts Gettysburg....but please, let them haunt your mind. If you listen, you can hear them calling to you to remember.

1 comment:

  1. Very good point made here. Although I do always enjoy the ghost tours when I come to town, I ALWAYS think first of the men (and women and children) in Gettysburg that were affected by this battle. I highly recommend that anyone who is going to be be in town should try and take one of the tours that offers up the experiences that the folks in town (and on surrounding farms) experienced. Not to favor any particular place or tour I do have to give a perk to the Shriver House. I learned a lot from the tour of this home and also learned a lot about Tilly Pierce by visiting The Jacob Weikert Farm. These stories are very moving and help us to look at the more human side of things. Of course I can't forget Jenny Wade and what happened to her.
    Such tragidy lies in such a beautiful place as Gettysburg. Each day as the sun would set I couldn't help but wonder what it must have felt like for those men fighting in the fields. As you said it does haunt your mind, and I did remember. Thank you for another heartfelt post.
