Friday, August 28, 2009

William's Avenue Tree Cutting

Here in Gettysburg, the National Park Service is in the process of trying to restore the landscape to the way it was in 1863. In doing this, they are cutting down wood lots that weren't here at the time of the battle and replanting wood lots that were here. For those of us who are students of the battle, this has been an eye opening experience. It's bringing the battle ground back for us to study intensely.

The area that is being cut right now is along Williams' Avenue on Culp's Hill. From what I have been able to see, this has been a major cut. BUT the park has the area blocked off....not from just vehicular traffic, but also from foot traffic. So trying to get back there to see just what is happening is almost impossible.

I started to wonder why no one could be back there. Here are a few thoughts that I have had. 1) its dangerous. With trees falling down, I'm sure they want to make sure that no one gets caught under one of those large trees. 2) relic hunters. Relic Hunting is strictly prohibited in the park. With the trees being uprooted and the ground disturbed, I'm sure that relics are popping up all over the place. Culp's Hill was the scene of some of the most horrific fighting. I'm sure there are tons of relics out there.

This view will be great....except for one small problem. Private property between where the tree cuttings are taking place and the Baltimore Pike. All those trees in between are not coming down. So that leaves this question: What's the point? There are other areas that should be done....but aren't getting done. I'm not sure. But I do know that what has been done (as far as one can see) looks great and I can't wait for the roadway to open up so that I can see just what has been done.

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